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AGM 2021

The annual general meeting 2021 was held 12 April 2021.

In order to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, the board of directors decided that the annual shareholders’ meeting 2021 should be conducted by advance voting only, without physical presence of shareholders, proxies and third parties. Pandox welcomed all shareholders to exercise their voting rights at the annual shareholders’ meeting through advance voting on the basis of temporary statutory rules, according to the procedure set out in the notice. 

Digital Q&A 12 April
As a service to the company’s shareholders, Pandox held a digital Q&A on 12 April, where Pandox’s CEO Anders Nissen presented the business year 2020. At the Q&A, which was separated from the AGM, Pandox’s chairman of the board Christian Ringnes and Dick Bergqvist from the nomination committee also participated.

The Q&A session was held digitally and in English.
To see the webcast on demand, go to